The Economy of the Olt County
The economy of the Olt county is in a process of restructuring and restarting, passing through difficult moments, economical and social phenomena specific to transition period.
The results obtained in the field of restoring and privatisation of the commercial companies during 2000-2002 determine the continuation of the process, emphasising the development of the economical actors from productive field.
At the end of the year 2002 at the level of the Olt county, in the statements of The Commercial Register Office there were registered 5.139 physical persons, 6.799 Ltd. Companies, 73 cooperative organisations, 1.485 companies in collective name, 394 companies based on shares.
The industry of the Olt county represents the main field of activity, being represented by all industrial sectors, underlining the special importance of the metallurgical industry represented by the production and procession of the aluminium.
In the metallurgical industry 33 companies function, as well as family companies, all of them totalising an income around thousand lei and 6794 employees.
The total value of deliveries of industrial products in the year 2002 was 20.479.985 million lei, comparing to 13.075.376 million lei in the year 2001 and 9.667.201 million lei in 2000.
The total deliveries for export in the year 2002 totalised 9.179.720 million lei, being totally sustained by the metallurgical companies.
Analysing the total deliveries for export, the metallurgical industry represents around: 92.0%.
In the industry of metallurgy, the most representative companies are S.C. ALRO S.A. Slatina unique producer of aluminium from Romania and S.C. ALPROM S.A. Slatina company which processes aluminium through plastic alteration, producing plate laminates, aluminium profiles, aluminium extrudates and alloys, bands, foils.
Other commercial companies representative for the economy of the Olt county are as follows:
S.C. ELECTROCARBON S.A. Slatina important producer of meta-anthracite and coal products necessary in the industry of metallurgy, commercialise normal electrodes UHP si HP, meta anthracite plaques, Sodeberg paste, 6 % of yearly production being exported.
S.C. ELCARO S.A. Slatina representative company for the electric cables of aluminium production, being a part of holding Pirelli, 20% of the total yearly income being achieved on external markets.
S.C. ALTUR S.A. Slatina the biggest producer of shaped castings and pistons for vehicles made of aluminium, 40 % of the entire production being exported.
S.C. ROMVAG S.A. Caracal company representative in the industry of machines construction, produces special wagons, requested on internal and external market.
S.C. RULMENTI S.A Slatina company known in Romanian industry for the production of small and middle ball bearings used in the industry of machines construction.
S.C. SMR S.A. Bals company which produces axles and bogies for wagons and locomotives, rolling stock.
S.C. TERMEX S.A. Bals company which produces domestic and household goods: cooking machines, heating stoves with solid or gas fuel, doors made by cast iron for the terracotta stoves, boilers with 1,2,3 rings, metallic whelbarrow, furniture pieces from cast iron and alluminium for the gardens.
S.C. INSTIRIG S.A. Bals produces and trades installations to irrigate, agricultural machines and equipment and necesaried spars for these products.
S.C. ARTROM S.A. Slatina company specialised in pipes production without solder, made of steel charbon, steel pipes for soil log, both for internal and external need.
The industry of machines and tools is represented by 10 companies, with total income of 261.291.856 thousand lei and 817engaged persons.
The textile industry and ready made clothing is represented by 200 companies, with a total income of thousand lei. The main companies which are active on textile market are as follows: S.C. GAMA S.A. Scornicesti, S.C. MINATEX S.R.L. Slatina, S.C. MARLENE COM Scornicesti, S.C. ROMANITA Caracal.
The foodstuffs industry is represented by 313 companies, which produce and commercialise specific products,with a total income of 835.386.580 thousand lei.
The companies which are representative on fields are as follows:
S.C. ALUTA S.A., S.C. ALIMENTARA SA, S.C. PANDIPO SRL specific products of bakery.
S.C. SPAR SRL, S.C. COM-IDEAL SRL, S.C. SALOS SA, S.C. COM MARCOS SRL - salami and sausage products
S.C. VITIPOMICOLA S.A. SÎMBURESTI company which produces brand wines: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Feteascã Regalã, Sauvignon, plum brandy and natural brandy, fresh plums, fresh apples.
S.C. OLTINA S.A. milk products
In the field of constructions there are active arround 235 companies and 55 family associations and independent people, with a total income of 1.117.372.267 thousand lei, the most significant companies in this specific field are: S.C. SCADT S.A. Slatina, S.C. OLTDRUM S.A. Slatina, S.C. GRUPPRIMACONS S.R.L. Slatina, S.C. CONDOR PÃDURARU S.R.L. Slatina, S.C. VLAD CONSTRUCT S.A. Slatina.
Concerning the development of the agriculture, the Olt county is a big cereals producer, but unfortunately the last years climate, especially the year 2002 influenced the agricultural sector and determines the decrease of the production level.
The Olt County owns an agricultural surface of 438.821 ha, from which:
a. winegrowing plantations - 8.356 ha
b. fruitgrowing plantations - 6.693 ha
c. lawns? - 48.882 ha
d. arable surface - 374.890 ha
From the structure of agricultural potential from the point of view we underline:
- The wine-growing potential in the communes: Cîrlogani, Dobroteasa, Morunglav, Vitomiresti, Strejesti, Mãruntei
- Tree-growing potential: Topana, Strejesti, Spineni, Plesoiu, Leleasca, Cungrea, Fãgetelu
- Vegetables production: localities of Lunca Dunãrii and near the rivers Olt and the Oltet
The forrestry found of the county is represented by 53.181 ha forest, every year producing arround 115.000 m.c. wood mass.
In the Olt county, the trade is characterised by the increasement of private sector, especially the trade with foodstuffs, drinks and tobacco products. In the field of en gross commerce (except on vehicles and motorcycles), there are active 475 companies and 110 family associations and independent people, with a total income of thousand lei. In "en detail" commerce (except on vehicles and motorcycles) and the repairs of homestuffs there are active 2495 companies and 3243 family associations and independent people, with a total income of 2.332.948.466 thousand lei.
The tourism in the Olt county is an especial agreement and crew tourism, the areas of agreement in hydrografic area of the Olt river being around the lakes of hydroelectric power plants of Arcesti, Strejesti, Ipotesti, Drãgãnesti, Frunzaru-Rusãnesti, as well as the natural Park Romanescu of Caracal, the lake Rusciori of Scornicesti. Another type of tourism is represented by fishing and hunting tourism.
For hunting, the natural attractions are constituted by the parks and forrests near the towns and the hunting reservations: the park of Caracal, Strehareti forrest, Resca forrest, Seaca forrest, Saru forrest.
The hunters are very interested in the forrest: Resca, Seaca, Brebeni, Teslui, Sarului, which offer large possibilities in hunting fallow deer, rabbits, wild boars and pheasants.
The fishing is practised in the natural lakes, as well as in the lakes of hydroelectric power plants on the the Olt river (Mamura, Arcesti, Slãtioara, Ipotesti, Rusãnesti, Izbiceni).
The fishers can try their luck in the waters of the Olt and the Danube, and also in the lakes of Boazul and Lunga, at the Danube, at Strejesti, Milcov, Ipotesti, Scornicesti, Crâmpoia, Piatra-Olt, Vlãdila, Bucinisu, Izvoru, Fãgetelu, Radomiresti, Poboru and many others.
The fond fish is very well represented in the hydrographic area of the Olt and the Danube with species like; carp, gold fish, bass, bream, barbel, sturions and so on.
Agenția pentru Dezvoltare Regională Sud-Vest Oltenia
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