The statement of educational units in the Olt county and the staff of the network are as follows:
- 709 educational units:
- 54 are kindergardens ( 293 in rural environment and 61 in urban environment);
- 65 primary schools I-IV ( 63 rural, 2 urban);
- 211 primary schools- classes I-VIII ( 163 rural, 48 urban);
- 26 high-schools ( 5 rural, 21 urban ) and
- 53 professional schools, apprentices schools and colleges (11 urban and 42 rural )
The educational process is assured by 6017 didactical specialists, from which:
- 4735 entitled;
- 1008 qualified suppliants and
- 274 suppliants about to be qualified
The auxiliary didactical staff are assured by 229 persons and the staff non didactical is of 1151 persons.
The school population is structured as follows:
- Kindergarden children number: 15139
- Number of students in class I-IV: 22725
- Number of students in class I-VIII: 26781
- Number of students in class IX-XIII: 16950
- Students number involved in professional and complementary education: 5194
- Students number - education in colleges: 110
On the territory of the Olt county there are 557 school buildings from which 64 - have a very good physical state, 358 satisfactory and 135 bad.
During 2000-2002 periods, 7 educational units were rehabilitated with funds granted by World Bank and European Fund of Social Development. In this moment there are another 16 educational units about to be rehabilitated. Through the Program PHARE TVET were financed rehabilitation and endowments works for two school units, namely The School Group for Machines - Constructions Slatina and The School Group for Constructions Balş.
The Olt county obtained special results at the contests and school Olympiads at national and international level in the last years. Many students from the Olt County obtained study grants at foreign universities: France, Germany, Belgium, Holland and the USA.
Regarding university education in Olt County we mention:
The National College for Agriculture "Carol the Ist" Slatina with the followings:
- The Faculty of Rural Development Management and economical engineering in agriculture
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Both faculties are coordinated by the University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest.
The Romanian School for Business includes the following faculties:
- Finances, banks
- Informatics accounting
- Management of the company
All three are coordinated by The Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest.
- Legal Sciences, I Year, coordinated by The University of Pitesti
- Legal Sciences, years II, III, IV coordinated by the University " Constantin Brancusi", Targu Jiu.
The National College "Ion Minulescu" Slatina includes the following colleges:
- Informatics College
- English College
Both colleges are coordinated by the University of Pitesti.
- 709 educational units:
- 54 are kindergardens ( 293 in rural environment and 61 in urban environment);
- 65 primary schools I-IV ( 63 rural, 2 urban);
- 211 primary schools- classes I-VIII ( 163 rural, 48 urban);
- 26 high-schools ( 5 rural, 21 urban ) and
- 53 professional schools, apprentices schools and colleges (11 urban and 42 rural )
The educational process is assured by 6017 didactical specialists, from which:
- 4735 entitled;
- 1008 qualified suppliants and
- 274 suppliants about to be qualified
The auxiliary didactical staff are assured by 229 persons and the staff non didactical is of 1151 persons.
The school population is structured as follows:
- Kindergarden children number: 15139
- Number of students in class I-IV: 22725
- Number of students in class I-VIII: 26781
- Number of students in class IX-XIII: 16950
- Students number involved in professional and complementary education: 5194
- Students number - education in colleges: 110
On the territory of the Olt county there are 557 school buildings from which 64 - have a very good physical state, 358 satisfactory and 135 bad.
During 2000-2002 periods, 7 educational units were rehabilitated with funds granted by World Bank and European Fund of Social Development. In this moment there are another 16 educational units about to be rehabilitated. Through the Program PHARE TVET were financed rehabilitation and endowments works for two school units, namely The School Group for Machines - Constructions Slatina and The School Group for Constructions Balş.
The Olt county obtained special results at the contests and school Olympiads at national and international level in the last years. Many students from the Olt County obtained study grants at foreign universities: France, Germany, Belgium, Holland and the USA.
Regarding university education in Olt County we mention:
The National College for Agriculture "Carol the Ist" Slatina with the followings:
- The Faculty of Rural Development Management and economical engineering in agriculture
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Both faculties are coordinated by the University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest.
The Romanian School for Business includes the following faculties:
- Finances, banks
- Informatics accounting
- Management of the company
All three are coordinated by The Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest.
- Legal Sciences, I Year, coordinated by The University of Pitesti
- Legal Sciences, years II, III, IV coordinated by the University " Constantin Brancusi", Targu Jiu.
The National College "Ion Minulescu" Slatina includes the following colleges:
- Informatics College
- English College
Both colleges are coordinated by the University of Pitesti.
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23 decembrie 2024, 09:47
13 decembrie 2024, 10:25
6 decembrie 2024, 08:51