General presentation
Situated in the southern part of the country, in aval of the river which gives its name, the Olt county represents one among the counties riparian to river Danube. It is crossed by the meridian 24 degrees longitude east on the line of the localities Iancu Jianu Baldovinesti, by the parallel 44 degree latitude north in the south part on the line Vlãdila - Scãrisoara, and measures 138 Km on north-south line and 78 km on east-west line.
Mentioning as historian-geographical position, the county is part of the old historic provinces Oltenia and Muntenia, being permanently related to the western part of the country, with Banat on the Danube Valley, with Transilvania on Olt Valley and through the Danube harbor Corabia it has exit to the Black Sea.
In the north part is has an adjoin position with Valcea county, in east with the counties Arges and Teleorman, in the west with Dolj. In the southern part on a length of 47 km, the Danube constitutes the border line of the country with. The Olt county has a surface of 5.498 square Km (valid at 31.12.1997 according to Yearly Statistic Register of Romania - 1998). The relief forms of the Olt county belongs to the two great relief units, respectively The Getic Table-land in the northern part, which occupies one third of the surface and the Romanian Plain in the south with two third. The Valley Danube, situated in the east-west direction, dominates the Romanian bank and has many large terraces. The Olt Valley represents a real axis of the county territory. The terraces of the river Olt are very large on the right side of the valley, starting with the north of the county up to the Danube and on the left side, up to Drãgãnesti there are high terraces: Coteana 80-90 m and Slatina 50-60m.
The climate of the Olt county is temperate continental, wetter in the north part and arid in the south part. The territory of the county Olt is crossed by two big rivers: Danube and Olt. The river Danube flows on the territory of the county on a length of 47 km. The river Olt cross the county to whom it gave the name on a length of 100 km in the north-south line.
Mentioning as historian-geographical position, the county is part of the old historic provinces Oltenia and Muntenia, being permanently related to the western part of the country, with Banat on the Danube Valley, with Transilvania on Olt Valley and through the Danube harbor Corabia it has exit to the Black Sea.
In the north part is has an adjoin position with Valcea county, in east with the counties Arges and Teleorman, in the west with Dolj. In the southern part on a length of 47 km, the Danube constitutes the border line of the country with. The Olt county has a surface of 5.498 square Km (valid at 31.12.1997 according to Yearly Statistic Register of Romania - 1998). The relief forms of the Olt county belongs to the two great relief units, respectively The Getic Table-land in the northern part, which occupies one third of the surface and the Romanian Plain in the south with two third. The Valley Danube, situated in the east-west direction, dominates the Romanian bank and has many large terraces. The Olt Valley represents a real axis of the county territory. The terraces of the river Olt are very large on the right side of the valley, starting with the north of the county up to the Danube and on the left side, up to Drãgãnesti there are high terraces: Coteana 80-90 m and Slatina 50-60m.
The climate of the Olt county is temperate continental, wetter in the north part and arid in the south part. The territory of the county Olt is crossed by two big rivers: Danube and Olt. The river Danube flows on the territory of the county on a length of 47 km. The river Olt cross the county to whom it gave the name on a length of 100 km in the north-south line.
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